Ok, back at it now on this Leap Year day. I took a hiatus from the ice for a couple days. Who the hell am I to post an ice report it if I’m not actually out checking conditions on the Bay. I’m not on facebook or instagram. But, I’ve been informed of the overwhelming response to the Keith’s & Karen’s on social media. It’s more than appreciated and nobody says it better than the ice anglers in the know. I write a report to publish on our website and Lacy posts on the social media machine. Unfortunately, she’s on sabbatical now with Red & Cedar getting ready to head south until May.
I set out on the bay to get a visual of open water areas, pressure crack conditions and of course thickness of ice.
Ice continues to be 8 to 10” thick. The landings are good for now, but not likely to be consistent going forward. They’re going to thaw then get broke up, freeze and thaw again and it will change daily as to how anglers get on the ice. The Kipling crack…. That pressure crack is dangerous and I didn’t really find anywhere favorable to be crossing it. I definitely wouldn’t consider crossing it with a quad or side by side. The yellow gate pressure crack running up and down the Bay has thinner ice of 5-7” and is sure to diminish first.
Two spots of major concern with the open water is at the tip of the Days River sandbar just south of the mouth of the river out about a mile into the bay right on the break. It’s several acres of open water.
The other open water is on the east side right on the break by the 50’ deep hole. This opens every season about this time and is at least an acre of open water as well. Garth Point and the Rapid River has been open all season and of course, the narrows by Gladstone. Any shallow areas will be jeopardized first with the fickle weather of March. Picture today is of the newest open water on the east side of the Bay.
Increasing your odds,
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